On 05.10.2011 02:38, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
> On 10/4/2011 1:00 PM, Stefan Fritsch wrote:
>> I think this one has been controversial in the past, therefore I thought I'd 
>> ask for
>> comments before making this change:
> I believe you are right, but I don't see a reason for the extra directive...
>> The "File does not exist" log messages are logged at level error, while not 
>> providing
>> additional information over the 404 access log line (at least in many 
>> setups). There have
>> been requests to lower the loglevel for these messages (PR 35768), which 
>> have been denied
>> in the past because of compatibility and "it's an error". The per-module 
>> loglevels help
>> not much, because most of the "File does not exist" messages come from core, 
>> and one
>> usually does not want to set LogLevel core:crit.
> As you say, it *is* logged (404) and is *not* an administrator's error 
> (either the
> web content has invalid links, someone ELSE'S web content has invalid links, 
> or
> the user is simply trying arbitrary resource names.
> Ergo, this is not a [warn].  Never was.  Because we are talking about *user 
> input*
> which has no negative connotations except to the user.
> Proposed, we drop this to [info] or [debug] and be done with it already.
>> I therefore intend to add a LogLevelFileNotFound config directive that 
>> allows to make it
>> configurable and a "int ap_loglevel_file_not_found(request_rec *)" API that 
>> allows modules
>> to query the setting. I think per-virtual server would be enough for the 
>> setting, but with
>> this API that could be changed to per-dir later on.
> Sounds like a bikeshed.  I suggest we simply tear it down and replace this 
> with
> greenspace, nothing to be confused by, nothing to fill up loglevel warn logs.

I agree that this log message does more harm than use. In most cases
people ignore it but don't see any additional useful messages, because
they are to lazy to grep the "file not found" away.

So I also suggest to tone it down to "info" and if it makes sense and
isn't to risky move the default_handler into the http module.

I would not add a separate config option, because that opens a can of
worms: everyone has a favourite annoying log message he or she wants to
tone down. Level "info" for this message is the better default and
whether there needs to be a separate apparatus to control some message
levels is another discussion with much bigger impact.



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