On 29 Nov 2011, at 02:37, Jeff Trawick wrote:

> * a normal build defaults to event
> * a multi-MPM build of 2.4 "should" build the MPMs as DSOs


This is what I'm trying to nail down - to get the packaging to work against the 
ideal installation of httpd.

What I am also keen to do is identify modules that bind to external libraries, 
and spin them out into dedicated RPMs like we always did with mod_ssl, the idea 
being that an installation of the basic server shouldn't bring in any onerous 
dependencies on a system.

> Is the RPM design supposed to be aligned with anything else outside of
> httpd 2.4?  Is there some external tooling that expects MPMs to be
> built as with 2.2?  Also, I presume that the build flavor shouldn't
> change within 2.4.x?

Originally we adopted the Redhat RPM spec file to make it easy for people to 
drop the ASF provided RPM onto a system and have it work reasonably closely to 
the original system, but our packaging has moved ahead of Redhat's at this 
point (to my knowledge, anyway).

I hope that other vendors will pick up our packaging as the "canonical" way, 
and improve the way httpd is deployed out there.


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