On 29 Nov 2011, at 11:55, Igor Galić wrote:

> OpenSSL (and cascading deps to it)
> mod_ssl
> mod_session
> mod_session_crypto

Neither mod_session nor mod_session_crypto have any hard coded links to openssl 
(or any other library), it's all abstracted away. mod_ssl has always been 
packaged separately.

> liblua:
> mod_lua

This one needs to be packaged separately.

> libxml2:
> mod_proxy_html
> mod_xml2enc

These modules consume libxml2 directly, so are in the same boat as LDAP.

> $DB:
> Everything_ending_in_dbd

Like mod_session, everything related to dbd is abstracted away properly, and 
doesn't absorb any stray dependencies.

> And, our all time favourite: LDAP.

This definitely needs separating out until it's abstraction is fixed.

> DBM: mod_authn_dbm and mod_authz_dbm

Again, both abstracted away properly.

> But there's also the new: mod_nw_ssl, which only applies to NetWare.

The RPM is only interested in modules that apply to unix platforms at this 


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