On 16 Jan 2012, at 2:31 PM, Steffen wrote:

> Thanks for the understanding. 
> Experience is that win issues hardly land in the status. Mostly the answer is 
> make a bug report, and it is of the table and sitting as reported bug for a 
> very long time. Take for example the serious bug from Mario about the 
> balancer in 2.3. An other are the mod_fcgid bugs. 
> Also I cannot believe  that eg the rewrite p issue was/is(?) only win. 
> I propose that the ASF is also going to run windows on one of the 
> heavier/complex  sites !!  Maybe a vote on that can started.  Please 
> consider. 

The best way to find and fix the Windows bugs is to get the code into the hands 
of the Windows users, and to do that we must release v2.4.0 as soon as possible.

Trying to delay the release indefinitely until an arbitrary list of bugs is 
fixed is counterproductive - you're just keeping the code out of the hands of 
those who are able to either describe the problem in enough detail that it can 
be reproduced, or those who could potentially fix the problem and submit the 
fix to us.

The "dot zero" in "2.4.0" is well understood.


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