On 27 Feb 2012, at 19:16, André Malo wrote:

> A compromise I'd actively support would be:
> - to not only put these red blocks above each document, but  provide 
> 'position: fixed' block, being always visible (for modern 
>  browsers) (maybe on the left side, simply saying "UNSUPPORTED SOFTWARE" or 
> something, linking the read block above.)
> - put robots=noindex into the documents and/or add a line to the robots.txt
> - we could probably remove 1.3 docs from the navigation

I'm much more a fan of that approach. Another way to reinforce the point: how 
about serving the old content with "410 Gone" status? The red block would 
contain an error message after all.

Tim Bannister – is...@jellybaby.net

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