> >
> > License acceptance is one thing.  I dunno what the copyright issue is.
> Again,m copyright is just something "nice", such as:

Michael, would it be possible to clarify? There is nothing in the license
> for httpd that obligates an end user to accept a license before installing,
> so if they don't need to now, there is no need to change that.

If there is no requirement to accept, then it is easy - but the license
will still be installed in the default location - should be IMHO.
                                Install Software

Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.

[TOP]                                                   [Entry Fields]
* Software to Install                                [+  Open
Se> +

  Customization SCRIPT to run after installation
[]                      +
    (not applicable to SPOTs)

  installp Flags
    PREVIEW only?
[no]                    +
    Preview new LICENSE agreements?
[no]                    +
    ACCEPT new license agreements?
[no]                    +
    COMMIT software updates?
[yes]                   +
    SAVE replaced files?
[no]                    +
    AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software?
[yes]                   +

With the above settings, you could get a FAILURE with acceptance required
like this:
  The software you have selected for installation contains license
  agreement(s) that must be accepted before proceeding.  Failure to accept
  the license terms will prevent the installation of the software.
  Accept the license agreement(s) by selecting "yes" in the
  "Accept new license agreements" field or by specifying
  the -Y option to the installp command.

  Filesets Requiring Software License Acceptance

 Without it, or with yes specified anyway, a copyright message similar this
could appear:

   © Copyright Jakob Schlyter, 2003.
   © Copyright Dug Song. 1995
   © Copyright Kevin Steves. 1995
   © Copyright Peter Stuge <stuge-mdoc2...@cdy.org>, 2003
   © Copyright Todd C. Miller, 1998.
   © Copyright Darren Tucker 2004.
   © Copyright Simon Wilkinson, 2001, 2003.
   © Copyright Tatu Ylonen <y...@cs.hut.fi>, Espoo, Finland, 1995

 All rights reserved.
 US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
 restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
. . . . . << End of copyright notice for openssh.base >>. . . .

In short - niceties.

> Graham
> --

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