
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 10:01:11AM +0200, Michael Weiser wrote:

> A solution might be something like:

> ProxyPass / https://www.example.com:12443/ no-sni
> ProxyPassReverse / https://www.example.com:12443/ no-sni

> , disabling SNI towards the backend server.

> Or can I tell the 2.2.14 apache inside the VM to ignore the SNI data it
> sees in the requests?

> The best solution I can think of would be some switch like

> ProxyPass / https://www.example.com:12443/ pass-host-as-sni
> ProxyPassReverse / https://www.example.com:12443/ pass-host-as-sni

> that makes mod_ssl put the content of the host header into the sni data
> structures instead of the hostname from the URL used in the
> ProxyPass(Reverse) configuration itself. This way even name-based
> virtual hosts should work behind the reverse proxy.

I haven't heard anything back: What's the general opinion on this?
bye, Micha

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