----- Original Message -----
> On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Issac Goldstand <
> mar...@beamartyr.net > wrote:
> Why not go the "IIS" route and use a c:\wwwroot or the like for non
> program-file stuff (logs, cgi-bin, docs, htdocs, conf)?
> That is similar to what the Debian package maintainers do (see
> http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/DistrosDefaultLayout ).
> I just wonder if it is really a good idea to have the "official"
> builds put the folders in a different place than building from
> source.
> The only other "official" binary for 2.4 is for Netware and there is
> no documentation on the wiki page if the layout is different.
> If you are looking for the place for data, the correct place for
> conf, logs, and maybe cgi-bin would be in a subfolder in
> %PROGRAMDATA% (PROGRAMDATA is usually C:\ProgramData\).
> (That is where MySQL builds appear to put their data too.)
> I would say that htdocs should be in a subfolder %PUBLIC%.
> See this MSDN blog post for more info:
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/cjacks/archive/2008/02/05/where-should-i-write-program-data-instead-of-program-files.aspx
> Other notes about this proposal:
> The trick to this would be that some people enable mod_userdir in a
> way the will cause overlap and potential security issues:
> UserDir C:/Users/*/Website
> If htdocs is in C:\Users\Public\Website, then <Location(Match)> rules
> would proably not apply to it if accessed as ~public, which is a
> security problem)
> On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Issac Goldstand
> <mar...@beamartyr.net>wrote:
> > Why not go the "IIS" route and use a c:\wwwroot or the like for non
> > program-file stuff (logs, cgi-bin, docs, htdocs, conf)?
> That is similar to what the Debian package maintainers do (see
> http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/DistrosDefaultLayout).
> I just wonder if it is really a good idea to have the "official"
> builds put
> the folders in a different place than building from source.
> The only other "official" binary for 2.4 is for Netware and there is
> no
> documentation on the wiki page if the layout is different.
> If you are looking for the place for data, the correct place for
> conf,
> logs, and maybe cgi-bin would be in a subfolder in %PROGRAMDATA%
> (PROGRAMDATA is usually C:\ProgramData\).
> (That is where MySQL builds appear to put their data too.)
> I would say that htdocs should be in a subfolder %PUBLIC%.
> See this MSDN blog post for more info:
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/cjacks/archive/2008/02/05/where-should-i-write-program-data-instead-of-program-files.aspx
> Other notes about this proposal:
> > The trick to this would be that some people enable mod_userdir in a
> > way
> > the will cause overlap and potential security issues:
> > UserDir C:/Users/*/Website
> > If htdocs is in C:\Users\Public\Website, then <Location(Match)>
> > rules
> > would proably not apply to it if accessed as ~public, which is a
> > security
> > problem)

Seeing how much trouble Debian's default layout causes for support
I'd rather we don't mess with that. Our layout is well defined,
well documented and well tested. Moving everything elsewhere is
confusing at best.


Igor Galić

Tel: +43 (0) 664 886 22 883
Mail: i.ga...@brainsware.org
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