I do not know why but for some reason ProxyPassReverse doesn't play nice with 
Tomcat and I had to include an extra line for the ws: protocol.

Additionally with the ProxyPassReverse present I would see crazy response 404 
headers when loading say 30 small images on screen like:
Content-Length  1003
Content-Type    text/html;charset=utf-8
Date    Sun, 17 Mar 2013 04:09:28 GMT
Server  Apache-Coyote/1.1

The interesting thing was that in this case the image being loaded had  a 
totally different URL (/a proxy to Tomcat,  /b static content) and was handled 
outside of Tomcat via a rewrite rule and a <Location>  but when the 
ProxyPassReverse was removed images were fine.    
Images that were not 404 show up in the access_log of httpd  but the 404 files 
with the crazy header do not.

On 2013-03-16, at 12:37 PM, Jamie Johnson wrote:

> I just took a quick stab and it was pretty straight forward, I just added 
> lines like this and it appeared to work properly
> ProxyPass /ws http://hostname:port/ws/websocket
> ProxyPassReverse /ws http://hostname:port/ws/websocket
> again, this appeared to work properly I am next going to be giving SSL a try 
> to see if things work properly with that.  If what I did above is not right 
> any info would be appreciated.  Also should I expect the SSL support to work?
> On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Jamie Johnson <jej2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've just built the latest code on trunk to test proxy_wstunnel, but haven't 
> seen any documentation on how to configure it.  Is this available anywhere?

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