On 3/13/2013 1:12 PM, Daniel Gruno wrote:
On 03/13/2013 08:39 PM, Gregg Smith wrote:
On 3/13/2013 4:44 AM, Daniel Gruno wrote:
On 03/13/2013 02:50 AM, Gregg Smith wrote:
Hi Daniel,

I'm seeing segfaults on that dreadful Windows OS when using
LuaMapHandler&   LuaRoot together.

The backtrace was actually quite helpful :) It would appear that the bug
(perhaps) pre-dates my work on mod_lua (or it could be something I've
missed completely, who knows).

I can see that vm_construct is creating, or attempting to create, a lua
VM which returns a null pointer meaning that part failed, but it doesn't
check whether the VM is null, making munge_path segfault. At the same
time, the lifecycle_pool being passed is also NULL, which makes even
less sense to me, since you can see in the backtrace that it wasn't null
when it got passed to ap_lua_get_lua_state.

Can you tell me which exact lua directives you used for this? which
LuaScope, LuaCodeCache and so on?
<IfModule lua_module>
   AddHandler lua-script .lua
   LuaMapHandler /testlua /usr/etc/lua/example.lua
   LuaRoot /usr/etc/lua
<Directory /usr/etc/lua>
     Options All
     AllowOverride None
     Require all granted

So since not specifically configured, the defaults of once and stat

I am unable to get my own server to segfault, and I can't seem to find
anything in the code that would cause the pool to suddenly become null.

Your backtrace seems to indicate that your request calls:
ap_lua_get_lua_state(apr_pool_t * lifecycle_pool=0x0258c0e8,
ap_lua_vm_spec * spec=0x0258b658, request_rec * r=0x0258a120)

which then calls:
vm_construct(lua_State * * vm=0x036efdc0, void * params=0x0258b658,
apr_pool_t * lifecycle_pool=0x00000000)

except lifecycle_pool never gets changed anywhere in the code, it's just
passed straight through to vm_construct...so whatever made it turn into
0x000000000 is beyond my eyes to spot.

If anyone else can spot something I'm missing, please do speak up,
otherwise I'll probably chalk this one down to a Windows oddity.

It was suggested to me a few days ago off list to give the old module a try pre r1200614. I did just that yesterday and it works and no segfaults. Just FYI.



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