On 04/11/2013 02:36 PM, Guenter Knauf wrote:
> On 11.04.2013 12:44, Daniel Gruno wrote:
>> it's a userdata object, so you can't iterate over the key/value pairs,
>> you can only access the values directly if you know the key.
> I was hoping that its possible to create a table from the userdata with
> some Lua magic, and then iterate over the table ...
> oh, and some more questions:
> whats the benefit of having banner(), port() and started() as functions
> (or methods)?
> isnt it fine accessing these like f.e. r.filename?
> r:put(r.banner) would be even shorter than r:put(r:banner()) ...
> and why is it:
> r.module_info(module_name)
> and not:
> r:module_info(module_name)
> ??
I'll look into adding them as variables instead :)

r.module_info is because it doesn't need the request_rec object to get
module information (foo:bar(baz) is short for foo.bar(foo, baz) ).

I admit, it can be a bit confusing, and perhaps we should consider
turning it into r:module_info for the sake of conformity, but I don't
consider it a bug or anything that would stall a backport.

With regards,

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