On 4/12/2013 10:43 AM, Guenter Knauf wrote:
I know; but I dont know if Gregg did a release or debug build;
I've heard a couple of times in the past that folks were not able to re-create crash with debug builds but which happen with release builds; that could f.e. explain why Daniel doesnt see the issue with his debug build.

This seems to be the case.
The attached lua script crashes on a Release build, but succeeds on a Debug build.



     This is the default method name for Lua handlers, see the optional
     function-name in the LuaMapHandler directive to choose a different
     entry point.

local iter = {  "allowoverrides", "ap_auth_type", "ap_auth_type", "args",
                "assbackwards", "auth_name", "banner", "basic_auth_pw",
                "canonical_filename", "content_encoding", "content_type",
                "context_prefix", "context_document_root", "document_root",
                "err_headers_out", "filename", "handler", "headers_in",
                "headers_out", "hostname", "is_https", "is_initial_req",
                "limit_req_body", "log_id", "method", "notes", "options",
                "path_info", "port", "protocol", "proxyreq", "range",
                "remaining", "server_built", "server_name",
                "some_auth_required", "subprocess_env", "started", "status",
                "the_request", "unparsed_uri", "uri", "user", "useragent_ip"

function iterator (obj)
  local i=1
  return function ()
    local key = iter[i]
    if key == nil then return end
    i = i + 1
    return key,obj[key]

function handle(r)
  r.content_type = "text/plain"

  for key,val in iterator(r) do
    r:puts( ("%s=%q\n"):format(key, tostring(val)) ) 
  r:puts( ("\nPowered by %s on %s\n"):format(_VERSION, r:banner()) )

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