Am 10.06.2013 15:58, schrieb Eric Covener:
>> <Directory               "/">
>>  Options                 -Indexes -ExecCGI -MultiViews +FollowSymLinks
>>  AllowOverride           None
>>  Require                 all denied
>> </Directory>
>> does not mean i do not need the possibility to allow
>> a specific Locations/Aliases outside this and the
>> same for specific exceptions inside vhosts with <Directory>
>> directives
> But none of that requires a Location that merges later, it's just more
> brief than a subsequent Directory/Files

define "requires"

thhere are millions of configs out there which are tested and
often enough Directory/Files/Location are used in whatever

if someone would change the order of this merging it would
be a unpredicatable change - period

you can suggest such changes for Apache 2.5 or Apache 3.0
and even there only with a damned good reason - period

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