On 27 Jan 2014, at 9:58 AM, Thomas Eckert <thomas.r.w.eck...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When doing this please keep in mind there is a huge amount of users out there 
> who are not developers and who will struggle with something like
> > <LocationMatch ^/foo/(?<bar>[^/]+)>
> >   Alias /var/lib/%{env:MATCH_BAR}/baz
> >   …stuff...
> > </LocationMatch>

Why would they struggle any more than this, which is what they would need to do 
for the same config today?

AliasMatch ^/foo/(?<bar>[^/]+) /var/lib/${1}/baz
<LocationMatch ^/foo/(?<bar>[^/]+)>

> As long as they are reusing the same code under the hood, I don't think there 
> is anything wrong with having redundant directives whose only purpose is to 
> have easier-to-read configurations.

They're not reusing the same code under the hood, the code that performs the 
Location handling and the code that matches the Aliases are different code, and 
in today's code, the Alias is almost always followed by a Location directive 
matching the same URL space.

That said there are two problems being solved here.

One is a performance problem, which is a nice but not critical. The second more 
important problem is that I am hearing from more and more people that httpd has 
too many directives - they look at httpd and they don't know where to start.

Existing configurations as I said will still work, they would just be 
deprecated. But the long term goal would be to remove the duplicated 
functionality and slim down the server, with a trimmer, cleaner server in a 
v3.x timeframe.


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