On 27 Jan 2014, at 12:11 AM, GRAHAM LEGGETT <minf...@sharp.fm> wrote:

> A look at mod_alias shows it has 7 directives:
> • Alias
> • AliasMatch
> • Redirect
> • RedirectMatch
> • RedirectPermanent
> • RedirectTemp
> • ScriptAlias
> • ScriptAliasMatch
> In theory we only need these three:
> • Alias
> • Redirect
> • ScriptAlias
> What I'm keen to do is enable expression support and deprecate all but the 
> above, with the following as the preferred configuration method (same as the 
> one used by ProxyPass):
> <Location /foo>
> Alias /var/lib/bar
> …stuff...
> </Location>
> or
> <LocationMatch ^/foo/(?<bar>[^/]+)>
> Alias /var/lib/%{env:MATCH_BAR}/baz
> …stuff...
> </LocationMatch>
> In theory this would be faster as we would not be scanning the list of 
> Aliases followed by the list of Locations each time, and things get a lot 
> simpler to use.

This patch implements the above.

The idea is that the existing syntaxes remain unaltered (and can be deprecated 
in future), while we introduce new Location syntaxes with a single argument, 
like so:

<Location /image>
  Alias /ftp/pub/image
<LocationMatch /error/(?<NUMBER>[0-9]+)>
  Alias /usr/local/apache/errors/%{env:MATCH_NUMBER}.html
<Location /one>
  Redirect permanent http://example.com/two
<Location /three>
  Redirect 303 http://example.com/other
<LocationMatch /error/(?<NUMBER>[0-9]+)>
  Redirect permanent http://example.com/errors/%{env:MATCH_NUMBER}.html
<Location /cgi-bin >
  ScriptAlias /web/cgi-bin/
<LocationMatch /cgi-bin/errors/(?<NUMBER>[0-9]+)>
  ScriptAlias /web/cgi-bin/errors/%{env:MATCH_NUMBER}.cgi

Big win: three fewer reasons to use mod_rewrite (and maybe mod_vhost_alias).


Attachment: httpd-mod_alias-expr.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: httpd-mod_alias-expr-test.patch
Description: Binary data

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