On 29 Jan 2014, at 11:17 PM, Erik Pearson <e...@adaptations.com> wrote:

> Actually, the more I've delved and actually used mod_session and friends, the 
> more fundamental the changes have become. For instance, a lot of the code 
> that lives in mod_session_cookie and mod_session_dbd seems more appropriate 
> for mod_cookie -- including session name, session caching, session object 
> creation. With such changes, it is quite difficult to isolate into single 
> issue diffs.

I'm not following the problem you're trying to solve.

It seems you're trying to rearrange and group technologies together from a 
programmer's perspective, instead of grouping functionality together from an 
end user's perspective.

Right now, if an end user wants to store a session in a datastore of some kind, 
in the classic "application server" model, storing a reference to that session 
in a cookie, they enable mod_session_dbd. If instead the end user wants to 
store the whole session in the body of a cookie on the client, they enable 
mod_session_cookie. In future, should the end user want to store a session in 
memory, they might use a future mod_session_socache. What you seem to want to 
do is combine mod_session_cookie and mod_session_dbd, simply because a cookie 
is involved in both.

That doesn't make life easier for end users, who are only interested in getting 
a job done.


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