Maybe there's some infrastructure for this already???

Install location:    /usr/local/webstack   (everything goes here -- much
Software download location: /home/foo/opensource
Build directory: /home/foo/webstack-build

httpd features:  [X] mod_ssl  [ ] mod_lua [X] mod_proxy_html [X] mod_ldap
......     (those with dependencies)

(this is httpd-centric, so we don't choose/enable random support library
features; we automatically enable the ones required for chosen httpd


apr: [ ] system [X] use latest in download directory (1.5.0)
apr-util: [ ] system [X] use latest in download directory (1.5.3)
PCRE: [X] system [ ] use latest in download directory
OpenSSL: [] system [X] use latest in download directory (1.0.1g)
libxml2: [X] system [ ] use latest in download directory
zlib: [X] system [ ] use latest in download directory
OpenLDAP: [] system [] use latest in download directory
(dynamic based on httpd and support library features selected)

Build type:

[X] Debug symbols
[ ] Highly optimized
[X] Use architecture-specific code

* setup can be coded in a file too, of course
* profile for httpd, httpd mods with extra dependent libraries, and each
dependent library to indicate what options mean in terms of configure
envvars, configure options, make envvars, etc.
* profiles for third-party modules too
* among other things, this can serve as the traditional
wrapper on Windows that pulls together different projects (using cmake
under the covers where appropriate)
* shouldn't support every variation
* just support rebuilding everything when updating something

Following the 80/20 rule this can be relatively simple, and solve the
chosen problem as much by guiding users into simple choices as by enabling
magic build options/variables.

Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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