
When browsing https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=56371, in the top most frame, we can see: ASF Bugzilla – Bug 56371 Please merge r1576233 into the next httpd-2.4.10 version, the fix is missing in httpd-2.4.9

But below, we only have:
Bug 56371 - Please merge 0 into the next httpd-2.4.10 version, the fix is missing in httpd-2.4.9 (edit)

link to r1576233 has been turned into 0.

In the comment below, we have the same issue, the link to r1576233 is turned into 0.

same kind of issue can be seen in the 2nd comment of https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=56235

I think it is a bug in bugzilla. We are using version 4.4.4 which has been released just 2 days ago. This release is just a day after 4.4.3. It is a quick fix because of URL broken in comments. That is to say, more or less what is described above.
So I guess, that the issue is in bugzilla.

However, before posting a bug report, I wanted to have your feedback.
Is there some custom code in our installation that turns rxxxxxx into a link to svn repository that should be updated to match changes in 4.4.4 release?

Best regards,


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