On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 11:43 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. <wr...@rowe-clan.net>

> I'm confused.  Piped logging did work just fine on Windows, unless
> something has broken it.

​Yes, it normally works fine, but creates two piped loggers for each access
log . One piped logger child of the parent, one piped logger child of the

​  For the error log, the parent copy is useful for the occasional message
from the parent, but not so much for the access log.  In the presence of
this mysterous (~50) piped logger limit, shaving some of those down might
be worthwhile.

The design goal was simply to support multiple processes some day.  And the
> code in question was proof-of-concept, that we could perform fd inheritance
> al la *nix.  But the cross process locking for append is clearly broken in
> any case so good solutions are welcome, as long as parent process logs are
> not overwritten.

I don't think what we have today on Windows uses any inheritance of log
fds, but I could be misunderstanding.  It seems like on the Windows, the
child is more like fork/exec and goes back through main(), running
ap_run_open_logs again.

Eric Covener

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