On Fri, 13 Mar 2015 08:28:35 +1000
Noel Butler <noel.but...@ausics.net> wrote:
> Time to think about EOL'ing 2.2 maybe since its 10 years old and 2.4
> has been current stable best production recommendation for what,
> about 3.5 years or so now, that would see adoption rates grow ;) 

That would be altogether reasonable, if the currently adopted and still
widely supported operating systems shipped 2.4, but it isn't so.  While
the adoption of 2.2 is all tied into current operating systems, we
aren't about to forego security patches to such widely used code.

Something to rethink when 2.4 starts to seriously catch up and surpass
the 2.2 deployments.

The EOL of 2.2 will occur, just as with 2.0, and with 1.3, when you can
no longer find a subset of the httpd project members and committers to
do any maintenance for the branch.  I'm guessing that the inflection
point is much closer to 2 years away than 12 months from now.

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