On 07/05/2015 09:22, William A Rowe Jr wrote: 

> For trunk, I propose we drop TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 protocols and simply adopt the 
> recommended cipher list illustrated below (!SSLv3) in the default 
> extra/httpd-ssl.conf source, following the SHOULD recommendations.

unless trunk is for the 2.6 release -1 

Since we are told, every time the discussion of abandoning 2.2.x comes
up, that too many distro's with LTS's and Enterprise versions still
support and maintain these antique versions, many admins do also require
those antique distro versions but elect to build current source of
httpd, I would then "-1" for removal of tls 1.0/1.1 (unless for the new
"major" release where I'd agree with it) - because if there systems are
that old, they "may" very well have issues with the removal of them,
since their overall system/ssl libs are going to also be antiques :) 


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