On Jun 15, 2015 1:26 PM, "Graham Leggett" <minf...@sharp.fm> wrote:
> On 15 Jun 2015, at 7:00 PM, Jeff Trawick <traw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 1.3 (or 1.3-based servers) put whitespace there.
> > 1.3.x, 2.0.x, 2.2.x, and 2.4.x (for all released x so far) accepts
whitespace there.
> > We can't change that by default in a stable branch.
> +1.
> We need to be liberal in what we accept. I don’t even think a “strict”
mode serves much purpose.

That 'thinking' by many server authors created the stack of CVE-2005 issues
identified by Watchfire as low, medium and worse severities.

This is not metadata.  It is transport-layer data.  And we have precedent
for closing vulnerabilities in 2005, and the several SSL vendors have done

That said, httpd 2 has always done the right thing with respect to not
passing hop-by-hop data verbatim.  So we are in a bit better position than
some, and this mitigates the surface area of the attack.

The recent enhancements to further protect from split requests is also

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