On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 10:50 PM, Yann Ylavic <ylavic....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 8:09 PM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net> 
> wrote:
>> Note in STATUS I've requested that you split the approved patch from
>> security@ that seemed to be lost in long and winding patch versioning from
>> the spaces accepted.  A patch should correct one thing, not several, it
>> makes these too difficult to review when folks have a small window of free
>> time.  Your proposed rolled-up patch didn't correspond to trunk, and the
>> 'parsing' flag seems unnecessary.  Two error messages would have been easier
>> on reviewers anyways.
>> Hopefully all constructive criticism easily agreed to?
> No pb, that's how things go ahead!
> I can certainly split the patch (i.e. the two first hunks only address
> the 2.4.14's "defect") and commit what's already accepted from patch
> v5 (the three remaining hunks).
> The latter however includes the 'parsing' flag which is meant
> precisely to address the different semantic between trunk and 2.4.x
> (so far): in 2.4.x the parsing errors are handled by
> bail_out_on_error() whereas in trunk the caller decides (eg. a handler
> can return a HTTP status and hence, possibly, an ErrorDocument...).
> Without the 'parsing' flag, we'd also have to use two separate log
> messages (with a new AH for 2.4.x only), so I think it also helps
> commonality between the two codes (that could be addressed by
> splitting the same way in trunk though...).
> BTW, I do that now.

Done in r1685904 (missing backport) and r1685910 (proposal update).

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