in fact RedirectMatch is *completly* broken

RedirectMatch 404 ^\/something\/$

and *any* URI get a 404 response not just with the long list from my previous post

Am 21.06.2015 um 18:57 schrieb Reindl Harald:

just rebuilt my httpd rpm with the on my testserver
and all vhosts are coming with a 404 page and nothing in the errorlog

first i thought it's a https problem cause by a self signed wildcard
certificate, but the same after remove the mod_rewrite redirction

"LogLevel debug core:debug" is not much helpful with only 1 line for
each request

[Sun Jun 21 18:50:46.972582 2015] [headers:debug] [pid 25479]
mod_headers.c(899): AH01503: headers: ap_headers_error_filter()

it is in fact that configuration file which suddenly triggers at *every*
request instead just mask several unwanted software even if it would
exist on the machine

[root@testserver:~]$ cat conf/httpd-deny.conf
<Directory               "/var/www/cgi-bin">
  AllowOverride           None
  Options                 None
  Require                 all denied
<Files                   ~ "^\.ht">
  Require                 all denied
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.svn/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*CVS/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.asax$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.ascx$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.ashx$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.asmx$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.asp$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.aspx$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.axd$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.back$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.bak$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.bat$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.cfm$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.cmd$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.csproj$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.dll$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.DS_Store$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.exe$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.FBCIndex$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.ini$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.jhtml$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.jsp$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.log$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.mdf$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.ocx$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.py$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.rb$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.sh$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.sql$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.vbproj$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*\.webinfo$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*admin-bak/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*~admin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*backups/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*backup/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*_backup/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*bak/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*_errors/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*htbin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*iisadmin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*iisprotect/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*iissamples/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*incoming/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*Install/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*logs/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*Log/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*LOG/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*lost\+found/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*oldfiles/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*_passwords/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*_private/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*sslkeys/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*sysbackup/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*sysbackup/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*temp/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*_vti_bin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*_vti_bot/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*_vti_log/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*_vti_pvt/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*_vti_shm/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*_vti_txt/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*webmaster_logs/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*wwwlog/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*~
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*Administration/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*AdvWebAdmin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*asp/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*aspx/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*authadmin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*BizTalkServerRepository/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*blindblog/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cbblog/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*ccards/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*centreon/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*certificate/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-auth/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-bin2/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-bin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-csc/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-isapi/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-lib/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-local/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-public/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-shl/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-shl/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-shop/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-sys/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-weddico/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgi-win/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cgiwin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*commoncgi/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*console/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*ControlManager/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cs-dns/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cs-whois/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*cvstrac/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*database-admin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*databaseadmin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*databasemanager/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*databaseweb/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*dbma/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*dmanager/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*dokuwiki/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*dokuwiki/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*DotNetNuke/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*dotProject/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*dotProject/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*drupal/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*fileserver/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*hastymail2/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*Hastymail2/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*hastymail/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*Hastymail/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*horde3/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*horde/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*intruvert/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*isapi/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*joomla\.php
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*joomla/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*libraries/dbg/setup\.php
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*mailwise/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*mambo/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*manageengine/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*mercuryboard/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*monitoring/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*MSWSMTP/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*mysql_admin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*nagiosxi/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*NetDynamic/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*oracle/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*orion/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*Orion/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*outgoing/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*oxid-eshop/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*passwiki/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*pccsmysqladm/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*perl/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*phorum/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*phpBB/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*php_fusion/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*phplinkadmin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*phpmyadmin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*phpMyAdmin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*phpmyfaq/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*phpnagios/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*phpNagios/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*php-nuke/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*phpnuke/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*phpnuke/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*phpPhotoAlbum/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*phpprojekt/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*pligg/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*pma2005/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*PMA2005/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*pma2006/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*PMA2006/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*pma2007/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*PMA2007/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*pma2008/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*PMA2008/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*pma2009/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*PMA2009/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*pma2010/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*PMA2010/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*pma2011/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*PMA2011/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*pma2012/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*PMA2012/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*pma/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*PMA/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*postgres/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*PostNuke/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*_ScriptLibrary/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*scripts/setup\.php
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*serverconf\.inc.php
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*serverconf\.php
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*servlet/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*SilverStream/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*siteadmin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*sm_forum/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*snipegallery/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*StoreDB/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*sympa/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*syshelp/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*sysuser/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*tcexam/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*tcpdb/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*tikiwiki/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*torrent/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*torrentvolve/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*viart_cms/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*webalizer/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*webboard/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*WebCalendar/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*webmatic/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*webmin/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*websvn/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*WebTrend/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*wordpress-mu/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*wordpress/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*wp-config\.php
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*wp-content/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*wp-login\.php
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*wwwping/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*xmlrpc\.php
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*xwiki/(.*)$
RedirectMatch 404 ^/.*zikula/(.*)$

Am 19.06.2015 um 18:50 schrieb Jim Jagielski:
The pre-release test tarballs for Apache httpd 2.4.15 can be found
at the usual place:

I'm calling a VOTE on releasing these as Apache httpd 2.4.15 GA.

[ ] +1: Good to go
[ ] +0: meh
[ ] -1: Danger Will Robinson. And why.

Vote will last the normal 72 hrs.

NOTE: The *-deps are only there for convenience.


PS: Hopefully, 3rd time's the charm!

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