On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 2:11 PM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net>

> Am 21.06.2015 um 21:02 schrieb Yann Ylavic:
>> It seems that RedirectMatch isn't documented without the third (URL)
>> argument, unless in <Location>.
All the way back to 1.3... the fact that it worked at all was a coincidence.

If this were an 'undocumented feature', then users are responsible for
a docs patch that it is a feature in-use.  We can't possibly predict every
but-otherwise-working configuration in existence.

> And [1] broke your configuration, assuming "^\/something\/$" is an
>> expression (not a regex).
>> [1] http://svn.apache.org/r1663259
> that may be true but
> * it is a regression breaking configs working like a
>   charm over years and IMHO a no-go for a minor update

That's called a charmed existence, and charms turn.  IMHO, it is a go (for
a subversion update, actually, minor would be 2.6.0, for example).

> * at makes little sense to provide a URL when you just
>   want the default 404 error page defined with
>   ErrorDocument  404 "html content" because by enforce
>   providing a URL the configuration is no longer re-useable
>   on different machines


Pulling Coar/Bowen '04 "Apache Cookbook" off the shelf, this error was
propagated by the last example in 5.8 (and likely elsewhere);

  Redirect gone /foo.html

which likely isn't working in 2.4.15.

As this is not a regression from 2.4.13 or 2.4.14 candidates, it seems to
me we should ship.

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