On Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:04:27 +0100
"John Dougrez-Lewis" <jle...@lightblue.com> wrote:

> Hi Nick,
> > Hi, are you by any chance the Raving Loony I once knew at Cambridge?
> Yes indeed - that must be 35 years ago now - these days I'm a bit more
> sensible (although the legacy of the OMRLP lives on).

OMLRP?  It was ∇ ∇ back then (CURLS, if email screws that up).

> > Basically there are three parts to working with character encodings:
> >  * Detecting them in incoming data.
> >  * Converting them to order.
> >  * Correctly labelling outgoing data.
> > mod_xml2enc will do all that for libxml2-based filters, and could easily
> be tweaked to drop the libxml2-specific optimisations for general-
> > purpose use.  Alternatively the charset-detection from mod_xml2enc could
> probably be folded into mod_charset_lite.
> So basically mod_xml2enc will detect the incoming encoding (whatever it may
> be)?

I suggest instead of debating here, take a look at it.
Start with the docs, and then move on to the code if necessary.

Nick Kew

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