Am 06.02.2016 um 19:33 schrieb NormW:
G/M Rainer
On 6/02/2016 10:28 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:
Hi there,

most of the proxy makefiles contain the following block:

# Don't link with Winsock if standard sockets are being used
FILES_nlm_Ximports += @ws2nlm.imp \

But it is missing from:

- NWGNUproxycon
- NWGNUproxywstunnel
- all of the NWGNUproxylbm_... files

Is there a reason for this? Can it be added to all of them? Could it
then be moved to NWGNUmakefile instead?


At a Guess ,No. NetWare's default build is to use Novsockets, and if an
nlm links without issue it should have no issue with then. Once the sun
is up I will try a build using STD_SOCKETS=1 and see what if anything
breaks. Being a 're;ative' newbie I'd I've if sockeys are these need to
be attended, but the geral rule is if the compiler is happy go with the

Will advise later today.

I've committed what I think should work and looks simpler in r1728874.

If it doesn't work we'll revert. Thanks for trying!



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