    It has actually been quite a while since I have been on this list.  I did 
most of the initial Netware port of Apache.  Apache for Netware uses its own 
implementation of Winsock as the socket layer.  This is the reason why the make 
files specify not to use the standard sockets.  The Netware version of Winsock 
also has it's own implementation of SSL which is why most of the time mod_ssl 
is not used by Apache for Netware.  Basically, the Apache for Netware make 
files should always be building with Winsock.


> Rainer,
> Apologies for the silence, but my major focus ATM is getting my place 
> fixed up with the view to moving, but did have a go at a build with the 
> USE_STDSOCKETS but something appears to be broken in apr-1.5, but have 
> not yet had a chance to look into it. Medical visit this morning and if 
> I get home soon enough will look further at it.
> FTM,
> Norm
> PS If GK is reading this he might have a look at it, but don't hold your 
> breath.

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