On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 8:49 AM, Jan Ehrhardt <php...@ehrhardt.nl> wrote:

> William A Rowe Jr in gmane.comp.apache.devel (Thu, 24 Mar 2016 07:58:45
> -0500):
> >Precisely, Jan.  We don't know where these truncation errors lead - do
> they
> >portentially open security holes?  They cetainly interefere with serving
> >huge resources such as .iso images.
> >
> >When I first tripped over this, I breifly pondered putting together a
> >patch.  PHP, httpd (through apr) dealt with all this long ago.
> Apparently, you never compiled PHP 5.5/5.6/7.0 on Windows 64-bits. There
> are loads of 'possible loss of data' warnings. See for yourself:
> http://windows.php.net/downloads/snaps/master/r454ae8a/logs/make-ts-windows-vc14-x64-r454ae8a.html

It's been a *long* time, and I know it hadn't been that well maintained
for non-Linux (non-BSD) target architectures.

> Even in the 32-bits PHP 7 there are some:
> http://windows.php.net/downloads/snaps/master/r454ae8a/logs/make-ts-windows-vc14-x86-r454ae8a.html

With a bit of luck - many of these are resolved by simply jumping up to
Visual Studio 2015 (and removing any number of win32-specific bandaids
that covered some warts in the earlier stdc lib)?

Remaining errors likely still need fixing.  That sizeof(int) == sizeof(void
assumption from 64ILP architectures is *not* part of the spec.  We have
64ILP (int == long == void*), 64LP (long == void* != int) as well as
64P (long == int != void*) and each of these are valid architectures.

The various types such as ptrdiff_t that POSIX exposes *should* resolve
these all when the correct types are chosen, and that is now true with
MSVC 14 on Windows as well.  It just becomes a matter of using the
true and correct type for various operations.



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