On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 11:40 AM, Jan Ehrhardt <php...@ehrhardt.nl> wrote:

> William A Rowe Jr in gmane.comp.apache.devel (Thu, 24 Mar 2016 09:16:17
> -0500):
> >>
> http://windows.php.net/downloads/snaps/master/r454ae8a/logs/make-ts-windows-vc14-x64-r454ae8a.html
> >
> >It's been a *long* time, and I know it hadn't been that well maintained
> >for non-Linux (non-BSD) target architectures.
> On the contrary: Windows support for PHP has made a big jump. The release
> master of PHP7 is even a Microsoft employee.


>> Even in the 32-bits PHP 7 there are some:
> >>
> >>
> http://windows.php.net/downloads/snaps/master/r454ae8a/logs/make-ts-windows-vc14-x86-r454ae8a.html
> >
> >With a bit of luck - many of these are resolved by simply jumping up to
> >Visual Studio 2015 (and removing any number of win32-specific bandaids
> >that covered some warts in the earlier stdc lib)?
> Read carefully: these are the results when compiling with VC14 == VS2015.
> This is the way the official PHP7 binaries are built.

And in fairness, not every "conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int'"
error is
actually a lurking bug.  If you know the memory allocation can't exceed some
fixed size (e.g. passed as an httpd header value that already enjoys
or rejection much earlier in the process), then that flag would generally

It's a long process to get such things 100% correct, we have a few defects
lingering in httpd 2.4 release branch today - some due to binary ABI
My entire point is that VC14 makes such a thing possible, where it really
wasn't possible while Microsoft was ignoring POSIX in many places.

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