Hi all,

I approached a couple of folks at ApacheCon in Vancouver about some work that I 
am involved with that would benefit from an httpd module. I am sending this 
message to the list to provide more information, and to seek advice on how we 
should proceed.

We are developing a format we call "Map Markup Language", or MapML. The 
objective of this format is to describe Web map semantics - that is scale / 
zoom, projection, extent, features, styles, licenses, legends in the context of 
a hypermedia media type that can be manipulated / interacted with through the 
uniform interface alone.  We would like to eventually register the format as 

The niche for the format is best described as "HTML, but for maps".  The draft, 
and evolving, specification for the format can be found here: 
http://maps4html.github.io/MapML/spec/, which is one of a group of repos 
belonging to the W3C Maps for HTML Community Group: 

We want to develop an httpd module, "mod_mapml" which will allow the admin to 
configure MapML responses over a map tile cache, using one or more URI 
templates as configuration parameters.  A Java servlet prototype for this 
functionality is available: https://github.com/Maps4HTML/MapMLServer.  (For the 
servlet, the parameters are passed via web.xml).

Examples of MapML responses can be elicited from a running instances of that 
servlet here, for example:

We would like some advice on how to proceed with the development of a module. 
For instance should we pursue this as a third-party module? Can we tap into the 
community for development assistance if we don't have the required skills 
in-house? Any advice would be appreciated.


Joost van Ulden

Project Advisor, Earth Sciences Sector
Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada
joost.vanul...@canada.ca / Tel: 778-960-9248

Conseiller à la gestion de projets, Secteur des sciences de la Terre
Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
joost.vanul...@canada.ca / Tél. : 778-960-9248

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