On May 26, 2016 5:44 PM, "Van Ulden, Joost (NRCan/RNCan)" <
joost.vanul...@canada.ca> wrote:
> We want to develop an httpd module, “mod_mapml” which will allow the
admin to configure MapML responses over a map tile cache, using one or more
URI templates as configuration parameters.  A Java servlet prototype for
this functionality is available: https://github.com/Maps4HTML/MapMLServer.
(For the servlet, the parameters are passed via web.xml).

> We would like some advice on how to proceed with the development of a
module. For instance should we pursue this as a third-party module? Can we
tap into the community for development assistance if we don’t have the
required skills in-house? Any advice would be appreciated.

The users list is the best place to ask for clarification and guidance,
users are not exclusively admins, they include module authors,
troubleshooters, even a testing community.

I'd suggest starting with a clearly licensed github repo of your efforts
and encourage others to help fom the start in a public way.

Httpd project here has two paths, we have the core httpd package
distribution, but we have also championed add in modules.  An example would
be mod_proxy_fcgi, which is in the core bundle, and mod_fcgid, which is a
separate download.

It is probably easier to ask dev to consider your module for project
adoption here once there is a proof of concept/first draft of the working
module.  There are hundreds of third party modules, and we adopt relatively
few of these, but you should be able to create a community around your
efforts whether it is at this project, or external.

Yet another option is incubator.apache.org, and launch an independent
project as the add in module, under the Apache License 2.0 and the Apache
governance model.  The gene...@incubator.apache.org list is the starting
point for all such efforts.  If you were targeting httpd plus other server
frameworks, it is probably the best fit at the ASF.



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