It may be weird talking about httpd 2.6/3.0 when we are stuck
in a holding pattern for 2.4.24, but actually it's not a bad

Right now, there are quite a few improvements in trunk that
should *really* be in a releasable version... Now we have some
options on how to proceed, but my modus operandi has been to
"push" as much trunk goodness back to 2.4 as possible, leaving
trunk still a nice sandbox for development on how we really want
to architecture the next gen (slave connections, etc...). So
as much as I think we should continue that, I also think it's
a disservice to keep the async, improvements in trunk,
well, in trunk. So we could fork 2.6 from trunk and work on
releasing 2.6. Assuming that we do so in a timely fashion, that
would mean we would have 3 versions out: 2.2, 2.4, and 2.6.
Considering that 2.4 is finally showing some traction, I wonder
if that's the right move.

Instead, maybe we could backport all that stuff to 2.4, in a backwards
compatible fashion. That is, basically backport trunk to 2.4. This
would give us more runway to work on httpd-nextgen.


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