> Am 29.12.2016 um 12:10 schrieb Kyriakos Zarifis <kyr.zari...@gmail.com>:
> 1. priority dependencies: streams with lower prio, but depending on a high 
> level stream, inherit this priority. This would make all preloads *together* 
> have the same prio as page B. Last I knew, chrome did no dependencies. Were 
> these resources PUSHed by the server?
> Not PUSHed; they were requested by the browser upon A's onLoad using the ' 
> link rel=”prefetch” ' directive in HTML A's <head>.
> Right, I forgot to add this in the description: Chrome's log shows the 
> priorities/dependencies as follows:
> HTML A : stream_id=1, parent_stream=0, weight=256
> 1st Prefetched image : stream_id=3, parent_stream=0, weight=110
> 2nd Prefetched image : stream_id=5, parent_stream=3, weight=110
> 3nd Prefetched image : stream_id=7, parent_stream=5, weight=110
> ...
> 8th Prefetched image : stream_id=17, parent_stream=15, weight=110
> HTML B : stream_id=19, parent_stream=0, weight=256
> So my understanding was that the dependencies looked reasonable, i.e. the 
> prefetched objects form a separate lower priority chain starting at the root 
> and as such should not block anything with higher prio with the same parent 
> (0). Am I reading this correctly?

That is different than Firefox is doing things, but it should work. Notice 
though, that the images are chained with weight 110 on stream 0 and HTML B with 
max weight 255. That means the images should get a minim of ~30% of the 
available bandwidth as long as they have data. My reading.

> 2. mod_http2 is, in its current implementation, very eager to fill the core 
> network buffers. That means a lot of frames have already been pre-packaged 
> for sending before page B becomes ready to sent. These are then not 
> pre-empted by page B, but will be sent first.
> If you are willing to test a github beta of the module, I might find the time 
> next week to tweak the behaviour in 2) and you could verify the benefits in 
> your setup. I will not promise anything, though.
> This was my (as well as a few Chrome devs') guess, especially considering 
> that HTML B is not blocked behind the prefetched images (in fact not even 
> blocked by completing any single one of them: the images are sent serially 
> and HTML B is correctly interleaved between frames of one of those images - 
> it just doesn't seem to happen as quickly as it could have (~500ms earlier, 
> in this particular case) ).
> I'd be really interested in repeating the experiment with a tweaked version 
> of the module. Please feel free to let me know if/how I can help.

I see what I can come up with. Thanks!

> Thanks,
> Kyriakos
> -Stefan

Stefan Eissing

<green/>bytes GmbH
Hafenstrasse 16
48155 Münster

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