Steffen in gmane.comp.apache.devel (Mon, 29 May 2017 15:42:46 +0200):
>Here only  :
>--   Modules not built:
>--     mod_socache_dc
>--     mod_charset_lite
>-- Configuring done
>Building with:
>cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\Apache24 
>-DINSTALL_PDB=OFF ..\..\src\httpd-2.4.26

Your -DENABLE_MODULES=i seems to do the same as my slight modifications.

Apart from setting some paths to the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and to some
include-dirs and libs my configure line was

CMake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DAPU_HAVE_CRYPTO=1

Which leads to

-- Summary of feature detection:
-- LIBXML2_FOUND ............ : TRUE
-- LUA51_FOUND .............. : TRUE
-- NGHTTP2_FOUND ............ : TRUE
-- OPENSSL_FOUND ............ : TRUE
-- ZLIB_FOUND ............... : TRUE
-- BROTLI_FOUND ............. : TRUE
-- APR_HAS_LDAP ............. : TRUE
-- APR_HAS_XLATE ............ : TRUE
-- APU_HAVE_CRYPTO .......... : TRUE

Note that I am creating a HTTPD.sln and *.vcxproj files.

> Cmake is now Windows only, is that the goal ?

In what way is it Windows only?

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