On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 7:07 AM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
> There was discussion some time ago about dropping the "experimental"
> tag from our HTTP/2 implementation. It is causing loads of people
> to not use it, as well as allowing for the perpetuation of FUD that
> httpd really doesn't support HTTP/2.
> I'd like for 2.4.26 to be the release that removes that tag. It
> implies a transition to RTC in 2.4 for it, but I think that that
> is workable and realistic at this point...
> Thoughts? Comments?

If my understanding serves, "GA" would still be an inappropriate
title for the 2.4 branch... please review my assumptions...

I have the impression that the developers still believe HTTP/2
proxy is still 'experimental' / work-in-progress. Notably, there is
a large pile of duplicate functionality in the modules/http2/ tree
which should already be promoted to httpd util commons, so
one copy of these duplicated functions are shared by both
mod_http2 and mod_proxy_http2 (as well as potential http/2
enhancement modules).

I have the impression that mod_http2 implementation in 2.6 is
already cleaner and more maintainable, owing to enhancements
Stefan already contributed and those parts of the implementation
that httpd 2.4 had subpar support for... leading to various bits of
bubblegum and twists of bailing wire, which are harder to maintain
without the 2.6 API fixes.

I'm making the presumption that once we release 2.6, we will have
considerably less interest in backporting http2 enhancements back
to the 2.4 branch, certainly not over the timespan we backported
features from 2.4 back into 2.2 or 2.2 into 2.0. If this is true, leaving
the module as "not GA" in 2.4 leaves us much more latitude to focus
on only the critical and security corrections to 2.4 and put the energy
into further enhancing performance and usability in 2.6.

If my assumptions above are wrong, ignore this thought... but if
the goal is to drive adoption of our 2.6 implementation of http2,
then simply dropping "experimental" seems unwise. Upgrading
its status from "experimental" (which I read as -alpha at best)
to a "beta" release of mod_http2 in 2.4.26 might be a really good
idea to drive interest in advance of 2.6, while averting a half-decade
long support effort of that specific module on the already five year
old stale branch.

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