Hi Steffen,

Am 07.11.2017 um 10:10 schrieb Steffen:
Jim wrote below:

/What, exactly, are the expected differences between trunk and 2.5.0-alpha?/
I could not find the answer in this (long) thread ?

as far as I understand Daniel, he will tag current trunk as 2.5.0-alpha or more likely 2.5.0-alpha1 or similar.

So at the moment he tags it, there will be no difference between trunk and the tag. The tag will be a name for the state/contents of trunk at the time of tagging. trunk can move further along but the given tag will be frozen.

What is currently not clear is, whether Daniel tags dircetly from trunk, or first copies trunk to a new branch 2.5.0 and tags that one. It will not make an initial difference but the development procedure for the future will differ.

Typically branching will be done as late as possible to prevent the additional porting of patches through one more branch. On the other hand if the tags get closer to something releasable, branching is necessary to stabilize code, ie. being able to apply bigger changes somewhere (trunk) without breaking the soon to be released stuff.



On Sunday 05/11/2017 at 14:31, Jim Jagielski wrote:

    On Nov 4, 2017, at 6:03 AM, Steffen <i...@apachelounge.com
    <mailto:i...@apachelounge.com>> wrote:

    Soon we have:

    branches 2.4.x

Please a procedure: *where*and*when*do we apply patches/fixes.

IMO, the ones w/ the LEAST clarity are the ones related to

What, exactly, are the expected differences between trunk and 2.5.0-alpha?

I think it would make sense for those who are driving and championing
these events to have some formal, written roadmap available to avoid
confusion and the inevitable arguments/discussions that lack-of-clarity

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