On 01/02/2018 18:54, Yann Ylavic wrote:
I have this patch (attached) floating around that allows users to
configure a*fixed*  UID for each vhost.

I am not an httpd expert. And I probably already know more than I want to.

When I read the above sentence - with the emphasis on *fixed* my first thoughts were not on httpd internals on how a (semi-)fixed ID is used internally. Falls in the category of "don't want to know. Instead, my initial reaction - this might be useful for having multiple UID - aka "UserNames" or other sort of "external", UID.

As I read the discussions I realized my first thought was off - but still I continued thinking about - are there ways to make a vhost UID external, e.g., add to my logs for accountability. And I found myself "dreaming" - how about a different UID (aka Username) that would setuid() per vhost. Could be a nice way to separate data permissions - per vhost.

So, maybe you do not really need it for something internal - per your own discussion.

However, as a new "Directive" and all - what are ways this could be applied to improve/enhance security and/or accountability. Is, perhaps, the concept of a ServerUID as a new directive something that could be useful to a complex website - and much more than config-file fluff?

I hope this helps - and is "out of the box" thinking. If not, well I tried. :)

Good day all!


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