But we already HAVE an "automatic" ID... that's what the Vhost's
server_rec is. The issue is that there is no "one-size-fits-all" definition
of what such an automatic ID means or how it should be defined.

Is it just Vhost name + Port? That might be good for some modules,
but NOT good for others. What if the definition/config of the
Vhost changes between restarts? Should the 2 Vhosts have
the same ID (ie: are they the "same" Vhosts?) Again, for some
modules maybe yes, others maybe no. It is up to each module
to know and use what makes sense for itself.

An automatic ID is just unnecessary fluff... It's an API data field
that provides no real useful information beyond that which we
already provide.

> On Feb 6, 2018, at 5:54 AM, Stefan Eissing <stefan.eiss...@greenbytes.de> 
> wrote:
>> Am 06.02.2018 um 11:45 schrieb Helmut K. C. Tessarek <tessa...@evermeet.cx>:
>> On 2018-02-06 05:13, Yann Ylavic wrote:
>>> Sorry for what is probably (my) bad english, "fixed" meant "the same
>>> after restart (or stop/start)".
>> Right, but isn't the virtual host's server name/port config after the
>> restart the same as well? Why do you need a new separate unique identifier?
>> And should you ever change the port number and/or the virtual host's
>> server name, then this virtual host won't be the same after a restart
>> anyway.
>> Either I'm missing something here, but I still don't understand the
>> reason for a unique identifier, when you already have one.
> You are missing that Yann exactly wants to do that. 
> Only as consideration for people who prefer otherwise, he considered to
> introduce a ServerUID directive.
> Now, he tried several times to get the discussion back to what a good
> *automatic* id for the load balancer is, but everyone keeps discussing
> directives...
> *Waves Jedi Hand*: "Forget the directive..."
>> Or at least one that can be used from a combination of several fields in
>> the server struct.
>> What am I missing?
>> -- 
>> regards Helmut K. C. Tessarek              KeyID 0x172380A011EF4944
>> Key fingerprint = 8A55 70C1 BD85 D34E ADBC 386C 1723 80A0 11EF 4944
>> /*
>>  Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer for chaos and madness
>>  await thee at its end.
>> */

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