On 17 Apr 2018, at 7:17 PM, Alain Toussaint <al...@vocatus.pub> wrote:

>> No
>> distribution (that I am aware of) ships something called Apache httpd 
>> v2.4.29.
> At LFS (linux from scratch), we're the exception confirming the rule of 
> shipping v2.4.29 with the
> single patch of defining a preferred layout (the BLFS layout patch) in 
> LFS/BLFS v8.2.
> B/LFS-svn is shipping with v2.4.33 currently.
> Alain (bug chaser for B/LFS and ALFS working toward editorship).

Looking at http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/server/apache.html it 
doesn’t appear that you’re shipping httpd at all, instead you’re directing 
people to get httpd from the ASF, and are supplying a patch to make it work 
with LFS. Both of these activities are entirely fine.

As an aside - httpd has a —enable-layout option in configure that defines where 
things should go. If you patch the following file how you want it and submit it 
to us, we can formally support LFS out the box and you can remove the need for 
your patch:



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