On 4/18/2018 1:34 PM, Alain Toussaint wrote:
>> As an aside - httpd has a —enable-layout option in configure that defines 
>> where things should go.
>> If you patch the following file how you want it and submit it to us, we can 
>> formally support LFS
>> out the box and you can remove the need for your patch:
>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/sandbox/replacelimit/config.layout
>> Regards,
>> Graham
>> —
> Great idea which I'll submit to the power that be.
> Alain

Minor correction to the URL for latest and greatest:

As we love to say, "patches welcome!"

Feel free to just submit your diff here (since dev@ IS the power that be)

Daniel Ruggeri

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