Le 10/10/2018 à 21:18, Daniel Ruggeri a écrit :
Hi, all;
   Please find below the proposed release tarball and signatures:

I would like to call a VOTE over the next few days to release this candidate tarball as 2.4.36:
[X] +1: It's not just good, it's good enough!
[ ] +0: Let's have a talk.
[ ] -1: There's trouble in paradise. Here's what's wrong.

The computed digests of the tarball up for vote are:
sha1: e40e7a879b84df860215b8a80f2a535534a1c4b4 *httpd-2.4.36.tar.gz
sha256: ef788fb7c814acb2506a8b758a1a3f91f368f97bd4e6db16e98001f468e8e288 *httpd-2.4.36.tar.gz

+1, Good to go for me.

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04, compiled with gcc 8.1.0.
Tested with event, prefork and worker.

Test coverage data from my test environment attached.

However, I have:

t/modules/info.t                  (Wstat: 0 Tests: 1 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  1
t/security/CVE-2005-3352.t        (Wstat: 0 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  2
t/security/CVE-2007-5000.t        (Wstat: 0 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  1

All are related to mod_imagemap. It was not activated in my test environment before, so I don't know how it was previously.

According to the test coverage data, the 'imap_handler' function is never called!?!?

It is likely a miss configuration in my test environment, but wanted to report if it rings a bell to someone.


Title: HTTPd Test Coverage
HTTPd Test Coverage

This should give us some idea of how well our test-framework actually stress our code.

mod_access_compat 81.94% tested
mod_allowmethods 89.36% tested
mod_auth_basic 55.79% tested
mod_auth_digest 51.48% tested
mod_auth_form 52.02% tested
mod_authn_anon 75.00% tested
mod_authn_core 37.27% tested
mod_authn_dbd 8.55% tested
mod_authn_dbm 22.22% tested
mod_authn_file 85.48% tested
mod_authn_socache 16.38% tested
mod_authnz_fcgi 3.72% tested
mod_authz_core 64.05% tested
mod_authz_dbd 6.47% tested
mod_authz_dbm 13.13% tested
mod_authz_groupfile 62.50% tested
mod_authz_host 14.29% tested
mod_authz_owner 7.14% tested
mod_authz_user 33.33% tested
mod_unixd 28.97% tested
mod_isapi 0.00% tested
cache_storage 36.46% tested
cache_util 41.47% tested
mod_cache_disk 65.26% tested
mod_cache 41.65% tested
mod_cache_socache 5.58% tested
mod_file_cache 19.66% tested
mod_socache_dbm 1.43% tested
mod_socache_memcache 4.86% tested
mod_socache_shmcb 1.05% tested
mod_heartbeat 16.25% tested
mod_heartmonitor 6.22% tested
mod_macro 0.00% tested
mod_watchdog 64.06% tested
mod_dbd 12.60% tested
dbm 22.44% tested
lock 57.92% tested
mod_dav_fs 66.67% tested
repos 34.00% tested
locks 0.00% tested
mod_dav_lock 23.81% tested
liveprop 89.58% tested
mod_dav 22.16% tested
props 44.19% tested
providers 33.33% tested
std_liveprop 43.75% tested
util 41.75% tested
util_lock 57.81% tested
mod_bucketeer 87.10% tested
mod_dumpio 21.33% tested
mod_echo 86.08% tested
mod_case_filter 86.49% tested
mod_case_filter_in 83.72% tested
mod_example_hooks 0.00% tested
mod_example_ipc 0.00% tested
mod_brotli 53.33% tested
mod_buffer 69.75% tested
mod_charset_lite 6.47% tested
mod_data 72.15% tested
mod_deflate 41.52% tested
mod_ext_filter 59.66% tested
mod_filter 50.73% tested
mod_include 75.20% tested
mod_proxy_html 7.25% tested
mod_ratelimit 48.76% tested
mod_reflector 86.11% tested
mod_reqtimeout 61.65% tested
mod_request 13.10% tested
mod_sed 3.06% tested
mod_substitute 80.13% tested
mod_xml2enc 0.00% tested
regexp 0.00% tested
sed0 0.00% tested
sed1 0.00% tested
mod_asis 58.14% tested
mod_autoindex 42.69% tested
mod_cgid 74.51% tested
mod_cgi 8.19% tested
mod_info 83.73% tested
mod_status 65.91% tested
mod_suexec 65.71% tested
h2_alt_svc 19.23% tested
h2_bucket_beam 76.80% tested
h2_bucket_eos 74.29% tested
h2_config 41.69% tested
h2_conn 85.63% tested
h2_conn_io 85.71% tested
h2_ctx 95.83% tested
h2_filter 24.91% tested
h2_from_h1 27.11% tested
h2_h2 62.28% tested
h2_headers 64.06% tested
h2_mplx 58.99% tested
h2_ngn_shed 11.52% tested
h2_proxy_session 0.00% tested
h2_proxy_util 0.00% tested
h2_push 11.19% tested
h2_request 60.27% tested
h2_session 57.96% tested
h2_stream 49.83% tested
h2_switch 56.16% tested
h2_task 62.38% tested
h2_util 45.75% tested
h2_workers 81.93% tested
mod_http2 72.52% tested
mod_proxy_http2 0.00% tested
mod_mime 49.39% tested
mod_log_config 44.08% tested
mod_log_debug 76.03% tested
mod_log_forensic 25.23% tested
mod_logio 64.29% tested
lua_apr 85.00% tested
lua_config 8.33% tested
lua_dbd 0.00% tested
lua_passwd 0.00% tested
lua_request 23.70% tested
lua_vmprep 56.07% tested
mod_lua 28.90% tested
mod_actions 71.01% tested
mod_alias 82.37% tested
mod_dir 56.02% tested
mod_imagemap 2.39% tested
mod_negotiation 67.12% tested
mod_rewrite 54.12% tested
mod_speling 11.89% tested
mod_userdir 26.42% tested
mod_vhost_alias 75.53% tested
md_acme_acct 0.00% tested
md_acme_authz 0.00% tested
md_acme_drive 0.00% tested
md_acme 0.00% tested
md_core 0.00% tested
md_crypt 0.00% tested
md_curl 0.00% tested
md_http 0.00% tested
md_json 0.00% tested
md_jws 0.00% tested
md_log 0.00% tested
md_reg 0.00% tested
md_store_fs 0.00% tested
md_store 0.00% tested
md_util 0.00% tested
mod_md_config 0.00% tested
mod_md 0.00% tested
mod_md_os 0.00% tested
mod_cern_meta 9.68% tested
mod_env 88.68% tested
mod_expires 84.47% tested
mod_headers 54.50% tested
mod_ident 15.46% tested
mod_mime_magic 2.61% tested
mod_remoteip 53.38% tested
mod_setenvif 77.42% tested
mod_unique_id 100.00% tested
mod_usertrack 59.09% tested
mod_version 55.86% tested
mod_lbmethod_bybusyness 88.57% tested
mod_lbmethod_byrequests 87.10% tested
mod_lbmethod_bytraffic 88.24% tested
mod_lbmethod_heartbeat 11.73% tested
ajp_header 0.00% tested
ajp_link 0.00% tested
ajp_msg 0.00% tested
ajp_utils 0.00% tested
mod_proxy_ajp 2.22% tested
mod_proxy_balancer 24.77% tested
mod_proxy_connect 4.97% tested
mod_proxy_express 25.68% tested
mod_proxy_fcgi 6.94% tested
mod_proxy_fdpass 9.41% tested
mod_proxy_ftp 1.46% tested
mod_proxy 44.41% tested
mod_proxy_hcheck 12.34% tested
mod_proxy_http 51.15% tested
mod_proxy_scgi 6.30% tested
mod_proxy_uwsgi 0.00% tested
mod_proxy_wstunnel 5.49% tested
proxy_util 53.04% tested
mod_session_cookie 75.00% tested
mod_session_dbd 15.29% tested
mod_session 92.52% tested
mod_slotmem_plain 4.83% tested
mod_slotmem_shm 40.68% tested
mod_ssl 87.90% tested
ssl_engine_config 56.04% tested
ssl_engine_init 56.31% tested
ssl_engine_io 72.51% tested
ssl_engine_kernel 56.59% tested
ssl_engine_log 76.92% tested
ssl_engine_mutex 22.86% tested
ssl_engine_ocsp 70.07% tested
ssl_engine_pphrase 0.00% tested
ssl_engine_rand 49.15% tested
ssl_engine_vars 82.75% tested
ssl_scache 22.22% tested
ssl_util 27.96% tested
ssl_util_ocsp 68.24% tested
ssl_util_ssl 66.19% tested
ssl_util_stapling 2.06% tested
event 66.45% tested
prefork 60.54% tested
worker 61.36% tested

Last generated jeudi 11 octobre 2018, 21:00:55 (UTC+0200)

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