On 12 Jul 2019, at 13:05, Eric Covener <cove...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> For a start it means that this part of our manual is invalidated the moment 
>> you add an If statement:
>> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/sections.html
> I agree it's not intuitive (either way), but which part of the above
> invalidated?
> It already says <if> is merged last.
> When it's not nested, the <if> is part of the configuration and wins.
> When it's nested, it's conditionally part of the configuration, and if
> it's part of the configuration it wins.

Saying “if is merged last” is meaningless as a statement. Sure, if you’re 
describing the internals of the config walk process, that statement makes 
sense, but to an end user who is trying to write an httpd config to achieve a 
specific objective, the statement means nothing at all.

Most specifically, in the document above, "Some useful examples” shows this:

"the directives in this example will be applied in the order A > B > C > D > E”

<Location "/">
<Files "f.html">
<VirtualHost *>    
<Directory "/a/b">
<DirectoryMatch "^.*b$">
<Directory "/a/b">

Add an If to the above what changes happen to A > B > C > D > E, and do these 
make any coherent sense to an end user?

>> I am trying to get my head around how we can make If work like the docs 
>> above. Is If broken, or is require broken?
> I don't agree that either is broken.  Neither <if> nesting semantic is
> very intuitive but what we have seems pretty consistent to me -- it
> acts the similar to how it would act if the enclosing scope is part of
> your expression.
> I don't really like the idea of an directive to reset the list of <if>
> sections that have been accumulated by walking the config so far.
> The most I can personally see here is providing more examples in
> sections.html and the directive info for <if> to clarify that nesting
> is complicated.

If we cannot sensibly and accurately describe the behaviour in our docs that an 
ordinary end user can understand in a reasonable length of time, then it’s 
definitely broken and we need to fix it.


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