On 07/10/2019 14.48, Ruediger Pluem wrote:

On 10/06/2019 06:51 PM, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
On Oct 5, 2019, at 1:09 PM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:

Various PMCs have made their default/de-facto SCM git and have seen an increase 
in contributions and contributors...

Is this something the httpd project should consider? Especially w/ the 
foundation officially supporting Github, it seems like time to have a 
discussion about it, especially as we start thinking about the next 25 years of 
this project :)

I don't like git. I don't like isolating work on branches. If we want to work 
on it as a base,
we need to agree on how to manage the release branches first and their names 
(so that
the existing history can be merged accordingly).

I hate our existing bugzilla blackhole and manual process of PRs.

I do like Github. I like the flexibility and openness of Github issues and 
tracking with commits.
I like the PRs and review mechanisms.  I am not sure what to do about security 

Working on other projects recently I was impressed how much of the contribution 
that we do manually today can be done by Github processes and I was impressed by
the review process possibilities via PR.
This is a big plus over how we have to handle contributions today.
But this also means we can only really benefit if we fully leverage PR and GH 
issues for our workflows.

Apart from Github I still like Subversion more than git, especially the lean 
working copies and the immutable

I don't know how to handle folks who don't have Github IDs already (or don't 
want them).

Currently, I am +0 on the idea, but +1 if the way forward is worked out and the 
of migrating history is extensively automated/tested first.  I did that for 
httpwg and it was
a pain in the ass even with only five committers.  But it can be done.

Did I get it correct from Daniel, that this issue is already solved?
But looking at one of my recent Subversion commits (r1866078 / 
that happened after I joined the Apache Org on Github does not show my Github 
user as committer
(it only mentions my full name, so there is some connection).

To me, when I look at the commit[1], it links to your github account[2] if you click on the user avatar.

@Daniel: Is this the issue to be fixed on Oct 12th?
All in all I am currently +0.

What is being fixed on october 12th is the live sync of the git mirror after the catastrophic data center failure we had in september[3].

[1] https://github.com/apache/httpd/commit/cb8c40c581d17382cba338b3d90c67b914648984
[2] https://github.com/rpluem
[3] https://blogs.apache.org/infra/entry/subversion-to-git-service-git

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