I think that would be very interesting. :-)

I did some work with LDAP recently, and think that having something
like SQL Maps for LDAP queries would be really useful. One thing I had
problems with was that the attributes are all name-value pairs - like
doing everything with Maps. ;-)

Semantically, I think it would fit - there is no concept of a mapped
statement, but SQL injection is not really an issue, so escaping may
be adequate. Query results come back in a similar way (name-value
pairs), so that fits. It may actually be simpler because the names of
the attributes are defined by the classes of the returned objects.

Sounds cool!


On 2/11/06, Cimballi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to know if there is already an iBatis implementation for LDAP
> ? And if there is none, should it be interesting to have ?
> I've already used iBatis for database access, and now I'm working with
> LDAP directories and I thought I should be able to use the same
> logical architecture like for databases.
> What's your opinion ?
> Cimballi

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