My bad, I assumed that nothing was in Maven because of the open JIRA issue.  I don't use maven myself - I guess I side more with Hani on that subject :)    And I assumed  that whoever wrote the issue actually knew what they were talking about - I should never do that!
I think it would be best to attach your comments to the JIRA issue, then we won't forget them.
Jeff Butler

On 7/1/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry Jeff! It wasn't my intention to go off topic; I was just trying to help out the development process. I don't know what you mean by "nothing for ibatis is in maven now" because I can use M2 to grab ibatis from the maven repo:

I use Eclipse IDE and I know how to attach source. However, if I update my dependencies in M2, the source attachment will disappear because M2 generates my eclipse project classpath. It's a big nuisance, and this is a heads-up because anyone using M2 with ibatis experiences this.


Jeff Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Since nothing for iBATIS is in Maven now, I assume you are doing something extra to add iBATIS to your project.  You can do another something extra and attach the source to your IDE.  I could tell you how to do it in Eclipse or WSAD/RAD if you need help - we have no problem stepping into iBATIS source.  But that should be another discussion thread on the user list.  This discussion is taking this thread far off topic.
Jeff Butler

On 7/1/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Clinton, I use M2 with ibatis, and M2 cannot find the source. You need to upload it as a separate jar with the extension -sources.jar

Clinton Begin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

iBATIS does come with the source, always has, always will.  It's in the /src directory of the zip file.

The new task I mentioned above is a SEPARATE source download that includes all of the build scripts and dev dependencies so that you can easily build the app yourself.  Basically it's to help people who don't know how to use Subversion export.


On 7/1/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Please provide a maven 2 pom and include the source for 2.2.0. One problem I have now is that ibatis has no source jar in M2, and so i can't step through ibatis when I'd like :-)

Jeff Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Are you referencing this issue:
Or something else?
Jeff Butler

On 7/1/06, Jerome Gagner < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
I vote for a maven package.

On 6/30/06, Larry Meadors < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> I have nothing for it...
> On 6/30/06, Jeff Butler < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I believe I'm finished with everything I wanted to do for 2.2.0.  I'm
> > wondering what everyone else's status is.
> >
> > I would be happy to act as release manager for a 2.2.0 release if there's a
> > consensus that it's time to do that.  Or, if there are other things that
> > folks are working on, we could wait a little while longer.
> >
> > Let me know what you think about starting the process for 2.2.0 - I'm +1 for
> > doing it, with the caveat that I'm not sure what everyone else is working
> > on.
> >
> >
> > Jeff Butler
> >

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