Well thanks for listening at least. I suppose it is equal one way or another. Perhaps I will learn something from this :-)

Clinton Begin wrote:

>> I am not aware of any other project at Apache that
>> includes a build number as part of their version number.

So let's teach them something together.


On 2/17/07, *Paul Benedict* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


    I understand the argument, but I am not aware of any other project at
    Apache that includes a build number as part of their version number.
    That doesn't mean you're the only one, but I think it's a minority
    practice. And if it is a minority practice, there must be a good
    to not do it on a general basis.

    My point is the Build number is irrelevant to the release. If you
    produce snapshots until an official build, then you've eliminated the
    need for it. I never needed it, and I think eliminating it may ease
    releases. What you're essentially doing is using the build number
    as THE
    revision number. However, the revision doesn't need a promotion until
    you're ready to vote on a release. So given three releasable versions
    using your Build scheme (2.4.000, 2.4.256, 2.4.667), that's nothing
    really more than 2.4.0, 2.4.1, and 2.4.2.


    Brandon Goodin wrote:
    > I talked to larry and he floated his idea on this. My main thought
    > about the build number was that it has to tie meaningfully back
    to the
    > source state. Larry's idea does that perfectly... rawk.
    > Thanks,
    > Brandon
    > On 2/17/07, *Brandon Goodin* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    > <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
    >     This is very interesting and I'd like to know more about why
    >     number is important apart from other things like a
    >     major.minor.revision.timestamp format. I'm not really picking up
    >     the importance from the previous comments. Here is my
    >     understanding, help me to clear the fog out... The serial is
    >     to identify a unique build. This unique build is important for
    >     tracing back to what? If we do not have an anchor in our source
    >     code repository to compare it to what good does it do us?
    >     Brandon
    >     On 2/17/07, *Clinton Begin* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
    >         Paul,
    >         I disagree entirely.
    >         Open any product on your PC today, Java IDE, Visual
    >         Studio...anything.  It will have a build number.  Not just
    >         software really, any and every product on the planet has a
    >         serial number.  They are useful for uniquely identifying
    >         something. The major.minor.bug release version is very
    >         subjective and we tend to manipulate it that way.  The
    >         number is automated and therefore more reliable as a
    unique ID
    >         for the software version.
    >         I agree about the disconnect with SVN in the past.  What we
    >         typically do on commercial projects is have the CI server
    >         automatically create a tag for the build in SVN. That solves
    >         the disconnect issue.  iBATIS hasn't had a CI server until
    >         recently, so the tagging was manual.  Now we do have a CI
    >         server and can automate the relationship one way or another
    >         (either tag SVN with the build number or pul the rev number
    >         from SVN and tag the build with that).
    >         It's important to me and easy to produce.  So regardless of
    >         what build system we use, I'd like to ensure that a build
    >         number is represented on the deployable ZIP filename,
    the JAR
    >         file names the manifest file and the release.txt .
    >         Clinton
    >         On 2/17/07, *Paul Benedict* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >         <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
    >             I am responding on the dev list too :-) There's two
    >             going on:
    >             1) An automated build numbering -- and any build
    >             for that
    >             matter -- isn't needed for official distributions.
    All you
    >             need is the
    >             X.Y.Z scheme where X=major,Y=minor,Z=revision versions.
    >             2) You are actually using the build numbering to track
    >             your snapshots.
    >             That's what the build number is really for. When you use
    >             maven and
    >             attach -SNAPSHOT suffix to the version number, the
    >             libraries get
    >             deployed to the snapshot repository with an automated
    >             build number.
    >             So two things to remember: build numbers are for
    >             distributions only. The build number will be updated for
    >             every snapshot
    >             distribution. Once you're ready to attempt an official
    >             release, remove
    >             -SNAPSHOT and then you have the next X.Y.Z version.
    >             Paul
    >             Clinton Begin wrote:
    >             > The build number is very important...it's the only
    >             automated serial
    >             > number we have.
    >             >
    >             > It doesn't matter to me where that number comes
    >             from.  SVN rev number is
    >             > an excellent suggestion.  But I don't want to downplay
    >             the importance of
    >             > an automated serial number.
    >             >
    >             > I agree with Jeff's point, that there shouldn't be
    >             releases with the
    >             > same version but different build numbers, and we
    never have.
    >             >
    >             > Perhaps a new Ant/Maven task that grabs the
    revision from
    >             the current
    >             > working copy (because that's actually what you're
    >             building), but the
    >             > task should also check that there are no
    >             modifications...it's a bit
    >             > tricky to get it right actually.  The alternative
    >             be a "fresh
    >             > build" task that would do a full checkout from
    SVN, note
    >             the rev number
    >             > and then build from there.  Which is actually decent.
    >             >
    >             > So to summarize, yes it's important and yes it
    could be
    >             more meaningful
    >             > by using the SVN rev number -- and it has to be
    >             >
    >             > Cheers,
    >             > Clinton
    >             >
    >             > On 2/17/07, *Jeff Butler* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >             <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
    >             > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >             <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>> wrote:
    >             >
    >             >     I agree that the build number is useless.  Apache
    >             policy says that
    >             >     there are not different versions of a
    release.  So we
    >             really
    >             >     shouldn't have 2.3.0-638 and 2.3.0-677, we
    only have
    >             one 2.3.0
    >             >     release (we've only broken that rule one time
    that I
    >             remember).
    >             >
    >             >     I kind of like the way Derby does it.  The
    >             is just
    >             >     Derby10.2.2.0, and they add the SVN revision
    >             in the manifest
    >             >     Bundle-Version property (e.g.
    >             10.2.2000000.485682).  I haven't
    >             >     looked at their build to see how they get the SVN
    >             number into the
    >             >     manifest - hopefully it's not a manual hack.
    >             >
    >             >     I'd like to keep the version number on the name of
    >             the JAR file like
    >             >     we're doing now (ibatis-2.3.0.jar) - just lose the
    >             build number.
    >             >
    >             >     Jeff Butler
    >             >
    >             >     On 2/17/07, *Larry Meadors* <
    >             <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
    >             >     <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >             <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>> wrote:
    >             >
    >             >         OK, as I am digging through this, I see
    that we
    >             have this "build
    >             >         number" thing on the download.
    >             >
    >             >         I am wondering if we should change it to make
    >             that number have
    >             >         some more value.
    >             >
    >             >         What I mean is: "What does '
    >             ibatis-' really tell me
    >             >         about
    >             >         the build?"
    >             >
    >             >         677 is just an arbitrary magic number
    tagged onto
    >             the build.
    >             >
    >             >         Should we use something like the SVN release
    >             number instead?
    >             >         That way,
    >             >         I can very easily look to see *exactly*
    what has
    >             changed between
    >             >         releases by doing this:
    >             >
    >             >           svn diff old:new
    >             >
    >             >         That seems a lot more useful than 638 or 677.
    >             >
    >             >         Thoughts? I am going to do the next
    release that
    >             way instead
    >             >         unless I
    >             >         hear wailing and gnashing of teeth.
    >             >
    >             >         Larry
    >             >
    >             >
    >             >

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