Hi, all:

    I want to try row level delete, but get the exception : 
IllegalArgumentException: Cannot write delete files in a v1 table.
    I look over https://iceberg.apache.org/spec/#table-metadata for 
format-version, it said that An integer version number for the format. 
Currently, this is always 1. Implementations must throw an exception if a 
table’s version is higher than the supported version. so what can i do to test 
row-level deletion ?
  So what can I do to have a try to row level delete?  how to create a v2 table 

Code is : 
private static void deleteRead() throws IOException {
    Schema deleteRowSchema = table.schema().select("id");
Record dataDelete = GenericRecord.create(deleteRowSchema);
List<Record> dataDeletes = Lists.newArrayList(
            dataDelete.copy("id", 11), // id = 29
dataDelete.copy("id", 12), // id = 89
dataDelete.copy("id", 13) // id = 122

DeleteFile eqDeletes = writeDeleteFile(table, Files.localOutput(tmpFile), 
dataDeletes, deleteRowSchema);


private static DeleteFile writeDeleteFile(Table table, OutputFile out,
List<Record> deletes, Schema deleteRowSchema) throws IOException {
    EqualityDeleteWriter<Record> writer = Parquet.writeDeletes(out)

    try (Closeable toClose = writer) {

return writer.toDeleteFile();
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