> you can apply this patch in your own repository

The patch is : https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/1978

On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 10:32 AM OpenInx <open...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi liubo07199
> Thanks for testing the iceberg row-level delete,  I skimmed the code, it
> seems you were trying the equality-delete feature.  For iceberg users, I
> think we don't have to write those iceberg internal codes to get this work,
> this isn't friendly for users.  Instead,  we usually use the
> equality-delete ( CDC events ingestion or flink aggregation upsert
> streams)  feature based on the compute-engine work. Currently,  we've
> supported the flink cdc-events integration (Flink Datastream integration
> has been merged [1] while the Flink SQL integration depends on the time
> when we are ready to expose iceberg format v2 [2])
> About what's the time to expose format v2 to users, you may want to read
> this mail [3].
> If you just want to have a basic test for writing cdc by flink,  you can
> apply this patch in your own repository,  and then create an iceberg table
> with an extra option like the following:
> public static Table createTable(String path, Map<String, String> properties, 
> boolean partitioned) {
>   PartitionSpec spec;
>   if (partitioned) {
>     spec = PartitionSpec.builderFor(SCHEMA).identity("data").build();
>   } else {
>     spec = PartitionSpec.unpartitioned();
>   }
>   properties.put(TableProperties.FORMAT_VERSION, "2");
>   return new HadoopTables().create(SCHEMA, spec, properties, path);
> }
> Then use the flink data stream api or flink sql to write the cdc events
> into an apache iceberg table.  For data stream job to sinking cdc events I
> suggest to use the similar way here [4].
> I'd like to help if you have further feedback.
> Thanks.
> [1]. https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/1974
> [2]. https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/1978
> [3].
> https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/iceberg-dev/202012.mbox/%3CCACc8XkGt%2B5kxr-XRMgY1eUKjd70mej38KFbhDuV2MH3AVMON2g%40mail.gmail.com%3E
> [4].
> https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/1974/files#diff-13e2e5b52d0effe51e1b470df77cb08b5ec8cc4f3a7f0fd4e51ee212fc83f76aR143
> On Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 7:14 PM 1 <liubo1022...@126.com> wrote:
>> Hi, all:
>>     I want to try row level delete, but get the exception : 
>> IllegalArgumentException:
>> Cannot write delete files in a v1 table.
>>     I look over https://iceberg.apache.org/spec/#table-metadata for
>> format-version, it said that An integer version number for the format.
>> Currently, this is always 1. Implementations must throw an exception if a
>> table’s version is higher than the supported version. so what can i do to
>> test row-level deletion ?
>>   So what can I do to have a try to row level delete?  how to create a
>> v2 table ?
>> thx
>> Code is :
>> private static void deleteRead() throws IOException {
>>     Schema deleteRowSchema = table.schema().select("id");
>>     Record dataDelete = GenericRecord.create(deleteRowSchema);
>>     List<Record> dataDeletes = Lists.newArrayList(
>>             dataDelete.copy("id", 11), // id = 29
>>             dataDelete.copy("id", 12), // id = 89
>>             dataDelete.copy("id", 13) // id = 122
>>     );
>>     DeleteFile eqDeletes = writeDeleteFile(table, 
>> Files.localOutput(tmpFile), dataDeletes, deleteRowSchema);
>>     table.newRowDelta()
>>             .addDeletes(eqDeletes)
>>             .commit();
>> }
>> private static DeleteFile writeDeleteFile(Table table, OutputFile out,
>>                                          List<Record> deletes, Schema 
>> deleteRowSchema) throws IOException {
>>     EqualityDeleteWriter<Record> writer = Parquet.writeDeletes(out)
>>             .forTable(table)
>>             .withPartition(Row.of("20201221"))
>>             .rowSchema(deleteRowSchema)
>>             .createWriterFunc(GenericParquetWriter::buildWriter)
>>             .overwrite()
>> .equalityFieldIds(deleteRowSchema.columns().stream().mapToInt(Types.NestedField::fieldId).toArray())
>>             .buildEqualityWriter();
>>     try (Closeable toClose = writer) {
>>         writer.deleteAll(deletes);
>>     }
>>     return writer.toDeleteFile();
>> }
>> liubo07199
>> liubo07...@hellobike.com
>> <https://maas.mail.163.com/dashi-web-extend/html/proSignature.html?ftlId=1&name=liubo07199&uid=liubo07199%40hellobike.com&iconUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fmail-online.nosdn.127.net%2Fqiyelogo%2FdefaultAvatar.png&items=%5B%22liubo07199%40hellobike.com%22%5D>

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