Keep in mind that separating them can introduce difficulties for other
For example, DateTime in .Net has more precision (100ns vs 1ms in Java).
Serializing this in Java format will lead to data loss. Serializing .Net
DateTime as Timestamp will preserve precision, but may hurt


On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 10:29 AM, Denis Magda <> wrote:

> I would definitely remove such a mapping if no one explains a reason we
> have it.
> --
> Denis
> On 10/6/2015 10:26 AM, Vladimir Ozerov wrote:
>> Igniters,
>> For some reason we "merged" Date and Timestamp types in portable
>> marshaller. They are both written in the same format with the same type
>> ID.
>> And how date is interpreted on read side - as Date or as Timestamp -
>> depends on configuration flag "use timestamp".
>> Is there are reason why we do this? Transparent conversion from Timestamp
>> to Date is invalid use case because it leads to data loss. Looks like we
>> can separate these types from each other and remove this strange
>> configuration parameter.
>> Thoughts?
>> Vladimir.

Pavel Tupitsyn
GridGain Systems, Inc.

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